In the beginning in the year of 1848 the Religious sisters from Jesus and Mary Congregation came from France to Sardhana, India. The sisters began the noble work of serving the poor children with few orphan children of the locality of Sardhana village. As it was the need of the hour, the sisters began to take classes for the needy and poor children of the locality. God had been extremely pleased with them and they got the permission for High School for those girls in 1960. Many children who could not afford to go for English medium school were able to come to this school as it was Hindi medium government aided school. The sisters felt the need for school to go for intermediate course and God blessed their work with the permission of Inter College in 1965. A real God’s providence for the poor girls of locality. The number of students started increasing in our School. Our School St. Joseph’s Girls Inter College was the first School in Sardhana. As it was the need of Higher Education, the Lord Jesus blessed us with Degree College in the year 1981. As the girls from the surrounding about 50 villages could not go to Meerut daily for Higher Education due to the then prevalent social customs such as safety of girls as well as financial problems, it was necessary to have a Degree College so that we could serve the girls from near by villages providing them higher education. Under the inspiration and guidance of the Provincial Sister, Mary of Jesus, the good Lord Jesus made it possible to obtain permission for a degree college from the authorities of U.P. Government and Meerut University, Meerut.
As the girls from the surrounding 22 villages could not go to Meerut daily for Higher Education due to the prevalent social customs such as safety of girls as well as financial problems, it was necessary to have a Degree College so that we could serve the higher education to the girls from nearby villages.
Under the inspiration and guidance of the Provincial Sister, Mary of Jesus, the good Lord Jesus made it possible to obtain permission for a degree college from the authorities of U.P. Government and Meerut University, Meerut.
Summary of St. Joseph’s girls degree College
St. Joseph’s Girls Degree College is established and governed by the Society of Jesus Mary Congregation Sisters. The head of the congregation is Mother General Sr. Monika Joseph who resides in Rome with her councilors. Our college is governed by Provincial Society, Delhi. The head of this society is the provincial, Sr. Antoinette Mae De Deus. Sr. Marina John, the Chair person of managing committee, Secretary Sr. Melba Rodrigues and Principal, Sr. Dr. Christina Louis. The inauguration of the college took place on 15th August 1981. The Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Bishop Patrick Nair, Sister provincial, fathers, sisters and the newly admitted students were present for the ceremony. Sr. Magdalene Gonsalves, was the First Principal at that time. The college offered six subjects – Hindi, English, Sanskrit, History, political science and Home Science. Though College received permanent affiliation in 1983-84 but grant- in- aid was granted in 1984. In the beginning, the staff members were six teachers, one clerk and three helpers. Sister Vianney and sister Sebastian taught History and pol. Science in those days. As the time passed by there was a felt need for B. Ed. training College for the poor girls and other girls of our locality and neighbouring villages. In the year 2005-2006 the B.A. section started three additional subjects under Self finance Scheme mainly drawing, Sociology and Economics. The college applied for permission to start B.Ed. course from the authority of U.P. Government and CCS University Meerut. The application was sent to the university, the team came while the new building was ready. The team of inspection from N.C.T.E. Jaipur visited the college in 2005-2006. Having satisfied the facilities, Recognition was granted for one section w.e.f. 2007-2008 under self finance scheme. The university granted approval for the same. In the year 2016 , the college received B grade in NAAC. This was a great achievement for the institution. A proud moment indeed for the management, college staff and students. The college applied for B.Com and M.A. ( English, Hindi, Pol. Science, History) courses in the year 2018. Thanks to God that temporary affiliation was granted to college for these courses in the same year. The college received the permanent affiliation for B.Com and M.A. in the year 2022. Today the college has grown and there are around 800 students and 25 teachers all together. The mission and vision of the college is to provide higher education to the young girls of the locality and neighbouring villages and mold them into good human beings and responsible citizens of our country.